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Informed Consent

This bibliography has been created as a service to fellow researchers who are working on the topic of Informed Consent. This bibliography allows for searching and sorting by article title, author(s), journal title, publication date and subtopic (each article has been identified with one or two subtopic areas).


Articles included cover more than 15 years (1980-2015) and number more than 700 separate articles.



Abortion: Moral and Religious Aspects

This annotated bibliography provides an extensive list of resources that analyze the question of abortion from moral, legal and philosophical perspectives. Articles date from 2005-2011. 



Bioethics Films

The following resources are lists of films related to Bioethics and Bioethical issues. 

Film list compiled from various sources by LMU Bioethics Institute staff. 

Scottish Council on Human Bioethics film list. 

Kennedy Institute of Ethics Research Library film list. 


A list of literature relating to topics in bioethics compiled by the Literature Arts Medicine Database 

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